I wish all of those silly people would quit believing things that they can’t prove.

If you've ever had this thought that intelligent people never believe things they can't prove, consider that some of the world's sharpest and most skeptical minds have confessed in writing that they too believe things that they can't prove.  You can read all about it in the 2005 Annual Question…

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Are we still teaching science at grade schools?

We're barely teaching science at grade schools in the Bay area.  Here are the findings of an extensive October 2007 study done by UC Berkeley.  You can read an article on this study at the website of the San Francisco Chronicle. Here are the main findings of the study: --…

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Can you spot a fake smile?

Here's a well-conceived website. Straight-forward and fun. You will be given 20 short video clips of people smiling. Are they genuine smiles or fake smiles? After you make your picks (this will take about 5 minutes), this BBC site will reveal the correct answers and give you some genuine pointers for determining whether…

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Does Madison Avenue seek to stunt the emotional growth of men?

That is the conclusion of this article by Lakshmi Chaudhry, published by In These Times: But where “lad lit” authors disguise the dumbing-down of adult masculinity with witty prose, advertising executives are less subtle. Commercials for cell phones, fast food, beer and deodorants offer up an infantilized version of masculinity…

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50 atheist aphorisms and bumper sticker slogans

This compilation is provided by Living the Scientific Life.  This is definitely not any sort of ecumenical outreach program.  Here are the first seven slogans: Abstinence Makes the Church Grow Fondlers Honk If Your Religious Beliefs Make You An Asshole Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry Too Stupid to Understand…

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