If the cold war presidents had acted like George W. Bush …

Fred Kaplan's has written a new book, Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power. He argues that George W. Bush's failures stem from two great misconceptions: A) that the world changed after Sept. 11, when it didn't, and B) that the United States emerged from the Cold…

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World class pranksters at large

For a world-class prank, check this out: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMj3PJDxuo[/youtube] The group is called "Improv Everywhere: We cause scenes." This group obviously has a lot of fun, yet takes their work seriously. Check out its website -- the right column lists the group's other "missions" (they indicate that they've had about 70…

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More Cartoons II

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Economic Soft Landing
John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri


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Bush Helping the Elderly
Christo Komarnitski, Bulgaria


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Hate Radio
Bob Englehart, The Hartford Courant


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Conservatives and McCain Play Chicken
Eric Allie, Caglecartoons.com



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A big dose of economic gloom, and more

Here's the bad news, from TomDispatch.com: The latest economic news is striking. The U.S. economy has come to a "virtual standstill." The bubble has burst and, with anxious global markets registering the shock, other bubble economies worldwide continue to shudder at the possibility that American consumers might be forced to…

Continue ReadingA big dose of economic gloom, and more