The biggest religious divide: fundamentalists versus everyone else

In 2006, Andrew Sullivan wrote that there are many forms of belief and that fundamentalism is only one of many forms of religious belief: The alternative to the secular-fundamentalist death spiral is something called spiritual humility and sincere religious doubt. Fundamentalism is not the only valid form of faith, and to…

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Today’s not so bad news: My bicycle needs major repairs.

My bicycle is not shifting smoothly.  The problem has developed over many months.   I’ve adjusted the cables repeatedly, without success. I received some not so bad news today.   I took my bicycle into a neighborhood bike shop.   The crank teeth are worn down, as are the back sprockets and the chain.  This will…

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The daily cost of the Iraq occupation: $720 million

What is a meaningful way of understanding the immense amount of money the United States spends in Iraq each day? This simple video by American Friends Service Committee compellingly gets this point across. How does one most fairly frame this issue of what the United States is spending in Iraq?…

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Measure the Dow against anything but dollars, if you dare.

Check out the charts in this article by Mike Maloney.  His conclusion?   I think at this point I have proven my point beyond a shadow of a doubt… I think I've presented an air tight case… and I think it's time to pronounce it "case closed"… the general equities markets…

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Charlie Rose tries to understand Iraq

Charlie Rose is having such a difficult time listening to his guests, because he has so obviously bought into the standard mainstream media view on the Iraq conflict (which is essentially the view developed by the Bush Administration).   He appears simultaneously ignorant yet preachy as two men with genuine familiarity with…

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