How many five year olds could you beat up?

Have you ever wondered how many five year olds you could beat up?  I had never thought about this before, but now I know. The answer is customized to your physical characteristics, your fighting etiquette and your sense of morality. OK, now bring on those five-year olds!

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A video-summary of the recent FOX “News” attacks on Barack Obama

Robert Greenwald has put together another sharp-edged video illustrating what Obama is up against from the corporate media, and especially from FOX "News." [youtube][/youtube] And here's a way to take action.

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Which candidate for president is for sale?

All of the candidates are for sale, according to the August 21, 2008 edition of Rolling Stone. The article, by Matt Taibbi, is entitled:  "Candidates for Sale:  What do Obama and McCain have in common?  The same big donors, who will expect to have their way no matter who wins."…

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