St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Sarah Palin walks on water

It's amazing to see the horrifically slanted local coverage of Sarah Palin by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch .  The only daily newspaper in St. Louis has now unveiled Palin as a party savior, refusing to engage with the ongoing torrent of information revealing Sarah Palin to be an inexperienced, dishonest…

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Homegrown Cartoons

Back in the mid-1980’s, two graduates of Mercy High School (located in University City, Missouri) drew deeply on that Catholic education and decided to get together every week or so in order to create cartoons.   Whew!  That was more than twenty years ago.  Our plan was to make cartoons so insightful and/or funny that publishers would buy them and then we would never need to get real jobs.  It didn’t quite turn out that way.   Mike Harty was the guy who could draw and I was the guy who couldn’t, but who was willing to offer lots and lots of ideas until Mike found one worth drawing.  This brings to mind the idea of Linus Pauling:  “The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.”

Mike and I are both baby-boomers.  We drew these in the midst of Ronald Reagan’s second term–cold war politics often worked its way into our cartoons.  As did death and “meaning of life,” and God, and incongruity.  We really didn’t have a plan other than to do something that resonated.  After reading these, you’ll probably pick up on the reason why Mike and I weren’t as popular as the football stars in high school . . .

We worked at drawing and scheming and creating, week after week, until we had created a couple hundred cartoons.  I recently spoke with Mike and asked whether it would be OK to publish some of them at DI.  He was delighted.  Tonight, …


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Journalism, anyone?

I almost fell over when I saw this.  A reporter (Campbell Brown) is aggressively pursuing McCain hack Tucker Bounds, cutting through his BS.  If we had journalism like this two years ago, U.S. troops would have long been out of Iraq, we'd already have a serious and thoughtful national energy…

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John and Sarah

I found this at Daily Kos: [youtube][/youtube] I do have one minor issue with the video.  It shows McCain using a Blackberry, which is WAY too high tech for a guy who doesn't know how to use a computer.

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