Report from a friend stranded in Thailand

Thailand's major airports have been taken over by protesters, as reported by the L.A. Times: Hundreds of protesters seeking to topple Thailand's prime minister seized Bangkok's international airport terminal Tuesday, forcing cancellation of all flights. Members and supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy stormed through police lines at Suvarnabhumi…

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Sylvester McMonkey McBean prepares to leave the White House

Sylvester McMonkey McBean is now preparing to leave the White House. I'm alluding to that crafty character from that terrific book by Dr. Suess: The Sneetches.   Both McBean and Bush made lots of money through bigotry.  They both encouraged suspicion and hate between groups of people.  It has been such…

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U.S. torture program results in thousands of U.S. deaths

In an interview with The Washington Post, a U.S. Air Force counter-intelligence specialist explains that he was aghast when he saw how the U.S. was continuing to torture prisoners, even after he arrived in 2006.   He further learned, based on first-hand interviews he conducted, that the torture committed by the…

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Photographing your children during the holidays

When you take a posed holiday photo of your children, strive to present your children in a unique light.   The photo of my children (below) turned out especially well.  I used a Canon SD1100SI.   Make sure you get natural expressions by being a bit unpredictable.  Choose a suitable background…

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What if there were far too many people, but no one had the courage to talk about it?

What if there were far too many people living on planet Earth, but no one had the courage to talk about it? According to Global Population Speak Out, that is exactly our situation. Consider that we repeatedly see news reports about scarce and dwindling resources (e.g., water, food, fish, fuel, topsoil), but these news reports rarely consider the exploding population on Earth as a major contributor to these problems. This refusal to consider the carrying capacity of Earth is truly staggering. As a thought experiment, consider how our "environmental" issues would be altered if each country had 25% fewer people than it currently does. Or 50%. Instead, we the human population of earth is at 6.5 billion, headed toward at least 9 billion by 2050. When it comes to discussing sex, reproduction and birth control, we freeze up, even when out-of-control population growth threatens our way of life.

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