Bill Moyers corrects the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League

This webpage from Bill Moyers' Journal features a highly charged written exchange between journalist Bill Moyers and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League on the topic of Israel's recent military incursion into Gaza.   This exchange is a good illustration on how to handle the rhetorical tactics employed by those who…

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The hypocrisy of charging that the American flag has been desecrated

You hear many conservatives yelping about "flag desecration," as though the torture of hundreds of prisoners conducted by the U.S. is not flag desecration. Here is a post pointing out further hypocrisy, expecially the cherry-picking done by conservatives.   The  sections of U.S. Code cited by this article suggest that even…

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Read more about the article What’s in a title? The inspiration for “Mother and Child Reunion”
The Story Behind Mother and Child Reunion

What’s in a title? The inspiration for “Mother and Child Reunion”

I heard this story years ago and it always draws a chuckle or a grimmace. The Story Behind Mother and Child Reunion Musician Paul Simon once had a big hit song called "Mother and Child Reunion."    The lyrics included the following: But I would not give you false hope On…

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Flight 1549 versus Gaza: American lives are much more important than Palestinian lives

When we compare the good result of the water-landing of Flight 1549 with the indiscriminate "collateral damage" occurring in Gaza, we can only conclude one thing:  American lives are much more important than Palestinian lives.   After all, saving those 155 American lives was "miraculous," according to American media reports (listen…

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Billboards for your body, your mind and your planet

Consider the types of billboards that we most often see along the highway. They encourage us to pollute our bodies with unhealthy food, to pollute our minds with shallow amusements and to pollute our Earth by wasting resources and indulging in luxuries. The two billboards I photographed below are all-too-representative of what I've read along highways.

Yes, there are also billboards for public services as well as billboards for useful and reasonable products. What concerns me, though, is that most billboards carry unhealthy messages. There are so many unhealthy billboards out there that unhealthy activities seem to be norm. It's booze, gambling and conspicuous consumption all the way down the highway. What effect might this have on us? It reminds me of James Q. Wilson's broken window theory of crime:

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