The war is making us poor Act

I'm delighted to share the letter that Representative Alan Grayson just sent to me. The basic idea is that the obsession of U.S. politicians to fight needless wars is making us poor as a nation (in addition to the immorality of what we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan). After reviewing the letter, I went to Grayson's website dedicated to cutting the military budget, I became about the 11,000th person to sign his petition, and I'm reprinting Grayson's letter (below). Finally, we see someone who can speak about the military budget with some sanity. I agree with Alan Grayson that we need to stop our absolutely senseless "wars" and, instead, use our money here at home to stabilize our country's noticeable downward economic and social slide. Before you read Grayson's letter, please review (and choke on) two posts about the U.S. military budget numbers here and here.

Dear Erich,

Next week, there is going to be a "debate" in Congress on yet another war funding bill. The bill is supposed to pass without debate, so no one will notice.

What George Orwell wrote about in "1984" has come true. What Eisenhower warned us about concerning the "military-industrial complex" has come true. War is a permanent feature of our societal landscape, so much so that no one notices it anymore.

But we're going to change this. Today, we're introducing a bill called 'The War Is Making You Poor Act'. The purpose of this bill is to connect the dots, and to show people in a real and concrete way the cost of these endless wars. We're working to get co-sponsors in Congress, but, we need citizen co-sponsors as well. Become a citizen cosponsor today at Act Now.

Next year's budget allocates $159,000,000,000 to perpetuate the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. That's enough money to eliminate federal income taxes for the first $35,000 of every American's income. Beyond that, leaves over $15 billion to cut the deficit.

And that's what this bill does. It eliminates separate funding for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and eliminates federal income taxes for everyone's first $35,000 of income ($70,000 for couples). Plus it pays down the national debt. Does that sound good to you? Then please sign our petition in support of this bill, and help us build a movement to end our permanent state of war.

The costs of the war have been rendered invisible. There's no draft. Instead, we take the most vulnerable elements of our population, and give them a choice between unemployment and missile fodder. Government deficits conceal the need to pay in cash for the war.

We put the cost of both guns and butter on our Chinese credit card. In fact, we don't even put these wars on budget; they are still passed using 'emergency supplemental'. A nine-year 'emergency'.

Let's show Congress the cost of these wars is too much for us. Tell Congress that you like 'The War Is Making You Poor Act'. No, tell Congress you love it. All we are saying is "give peace a chance." We will end these wars.



Alan Grayson

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The vast power of political money

If large concentrated chunks private money were not controlling our Congress, we'd have meaningful financial reform, but the critical issues are not even getting a vote. And I'm officially out of patience with President Obama. When is he going to step up and take ownership of the the problem with Wall Street's reckless and corrupt ways? His repeated silence at critical moments of this debate speaks loudly that Obama represents Wall Street, not Main Street and not most of the people who got so excited about electing him. He knows where the bully pulpit is, and he has chosen to now use it. You can easily see why so many citizens have given up on being politically active and given the foxes free access to the hen house.

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You didn’t get mad when . . .

This straight-forward list packs a wallop, in my opinion. It seems like that Tea-party advocates aren't really mad about "government" and they aren't really mad about government incompetence. If I had to make my best guess, I'd say that they are mad that they are losing their country to "them." Who is "them"? All of those people that the Tea Party people have come to see as different than they are. Outsiders. People who look differently and talk differently and dress differently. I don't think of it as racism, though Tea Party people tend to be noticeably race-conscious. But they are also mad about those who belong to the wrong religions and those who come from the wrong countries. But how odd that they think that they are part of the same ingroup as the rich guys who are screwing them. Maybe it's that skin color thing after all . . . They are feeling like they they don't control the country anymore--and they are throwing a huge tantrum. This is what I suspect.

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Diluting the Internet

My pet peeve today is, which runs "WikiAnswers" (I refuse to link to these sites). They are apparently run by marketing geniuses who founded these deplorable companies thanks to the ability to have their vapid link-less "answers" appear high up on Google searches. I have learned my lesson, though--no more will I follow a Google page to these sites. They have quite clearly been created to gain market share by jamming key words into barely thought-out "answers." In short, the idea is to pump the sites full of link-barren word-salad garbage authored by know-nothings purely for the purpose of selling ads. I base this opinion on reading dozens of such "articles," but no more. I'm finished with I refuse to be one of the 54 million monthly visitors to these sites any more. Barely better is, which has published one million articles. I've got to give a little bit of credit to ehow, however. At least you'll find at least ONE link in these barely helpful "articles." The end result is always the same, however. Thousands of ehow "articles" are dashed off in one sitting by non-experts who are whoring their writing skills so that ehow can gain market share for its buckets of ads--enough ads to take in $200,000,000 in revenue in 2009. Consider an example - do you think that this took more than five minutes to write? Do you think anyone reading this article didn't know how to shop at a grocery store, but now knows? Here is the inside scoop on ehow published by Time Magazine. In this article, we learn that the authors of ehow articles are paid between $3 - 15. And it shows. Don't trust me on this. Go take a look. By the way, the above article about ehow was written by a guy named "Dan Fletcher" who seems to crank out an endless stream of tiny articles for Time (plug his name into Time's search field and you'll see what I mean). It's quantity over quality for Dan, who sometimes writes 5-10 articles in one day for Time. I'm sure that he's thinking, "Well, it's a living." I know that the Internet doesn't belong to anyone in particular. People have the right to write anything they want and I have the right to try to not read articles that are created solely for the purpose of filling web pages with keywords that attract Google. More and more, however, serious sites are being shoved downwards on Google's results pages by keyword laden ad-machines that are portraying themselves to be journalistic endeavors, and it's a shame.

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