Split Opinion on Young Earth in an Individual. Or Split Personality?

I was sent this New York Times article in which a Young Earth Creationist gets a real PhD in paleontology. How does he do it? Dr. Ross said, the methods and theories of paleontology are one “paradigm” for studying the past, and Scripture is another. In the paleontological paradigm, he…

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Whatever Became of Thorium?

And why should we care about this material rarely mentioned outside of science-fiction? Well, it involves recycling, our energy future, and a chance to de-proliferate nuclear weaponry and reduce the threat of "dirty" bombs. First, a brief bit of history: Back in the 1930's, it was discovered that isotopes of…

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Cow and Boy is not Calvin and Hobbes, but…

This Comic strip often takes a pointed view of popular perceptions. For example, today's Cow and Boy strip: This seems all too familiar. One side framing an issue for debate, and the other sidestepping the frame because it doesn't fit their world-view. We see a lot of this out in…

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