Do Bloggers Need to Unionize?

"What an odd question?" was my first thought when I read this column. Blogging, as a profession, has grown from geeky obscurity into a direct challenge to the journalism industry, even with bloggers' reputation for being unruly, unvetted, grammatically and syntactically insufficient, and above all, a disorganized mess. He discusses…

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Bridging Engineering Compromises

In recent news, another highway bridge collapsed. Every 20 years or so, a major bridge fails unexpectedly. The nature of civil engineering is to understand how things fail, and design the next generation to avoid that failure. Each failure leads to better designs. Each of the major bridges that collapsed…

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Regular DoD Trainer denied entry into U.S

Silly bureaucracy in action! An internationally renowned cyber-guru who often comes into the U.S. to train DoD, DoE, and other alphabet soupers was held for 4 hours by customs, and deported as he came in to speak at a Black Hat convention. His own report on the issue makes it…

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Gullibility Exposed

Here's a cute video by "AngryLittleGirl" called "Gullible is not in the Dictionary" [youtube][/youtube] It makes the simple point that one should check the source when someone presents a "fact" such as "95% of Americans are scientifically illiterate" or "Jesus rose from the dead". That reminds me of "Passion of…

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