Exhibit A: How the Corporate Media Gaslights You

Matt Orfalea has created another excellent mashup, this one featuring the severe cognitive impairment of Joe Biden combined with eerily uniform corporate media commentary that Joe Biden is “sharp.”

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Youtube version:

How is it possible for all of these “news” outlets to chime in unison?

As George Carlin stated, “You don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.”

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And oops! Axios says the quiet part out loud:

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Finally, to the crowd that admits that the CIA has intensely meddled in domestic politics, including election integrity, in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80, 90s, 00s and 10s, but that they are now well behaved,  here’s yet another tantalizing possibility: Operation Mockingbird.

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Operation Mockingbird is a real thing and it manipulated millions of Americans.

Screenshot 2024 07 01 at 10.15.04 AMI’ll end with a few disturbing modern-day stories by Tucker Carlson …

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[Added 12:30 pm]

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Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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