While Excess Post-Pandemic Deaths Soar, Corporate News Organizations Pretend Not to Notice

Russell Brand recently quoted distressing statistics from insurance companies.  As you can see from the following video, there are large numbers of excess deaths in the United States, even though the pandemic is over.  These numbers have been announced by bean counters employed by insurance companies, not politicians and not the public health “experts” who got almost everything wrong during the pandemic.

Screenshot 2024 01 02 at 11.32.30 PM

Brand explains the problem:

All of a sudden, we now know, as a result of the release of insurance premium figures, that excess deaths in America are beyond even the peak of the pandemic even though the pandemic is over. We are aware now that in the first nine months of 2023–I can’t believe that this is true but it is–there’s as many young Americans who have died as died in all the American wars from Vietnam to present day. The only reason that we know this information is because insurance companies have reported on it…

Why would the legacy media not investigate [unexplained sudden deaths of young healthy-seeming people] with the same vigor that they’ve applied to a variety of other subjects that appear to enhance their ability to control dissenting voices and shut down counter narratives? Why is there a demand for censorship to be enshrined in law from the EU, to Ireland, to the United Kingdom to the United States of America to Canada? … I’m not suggesting for a moment that all of those athletes died or all of those athletes were suffering as a result of particular medications, but the data is available now. Excess deaths are rising, the life expectancy in the United States of America is falling and it isn’t because of COVID. Comparable figures are available in the United Kingdom. And once again, the same is true: sudden deaths, unexpected deaths, excess deaths are rising and it isn’t because of COVID.

Curiously, there is a total lack of appetite to investigate this even though it seems like there’s ample evidence to warrant an investigation. Health Agencies are not investigating it. Legacy media organizations are not investigating it. Elsewhere, we’ve reported on the kind of relationships that exist between big pharma and cable news media who received the vast majority of their funding not only from big pharma, but specifically from Pfizer, just one organization.

Have you ever seen Albert Bourla contend with a single difficult question except for when he was chased by Rebel News from the snowy streets of Davos? Of course you haven’t. You’ve just seen him in puff piece after puff piece. Independent media is vital because it allows these questions to be asked. We’re not for the valuable voices in this space, you wouldn’t have a COVID inquiry in the UK. You wouldn’t have any dissent at all. You wouldn’t have no uptake for the latest COVID booster shots because none of this information will be available.

The real power is with you, your independent thoughts, your ability to choose. That’s what they are trying to shut down and control. They do not want an awakened dissenting population investigating the high levels of corruption in their own state, in their own media and in particular in globalist corporatist agencies and financial entities, because if people become aware to that we would oppose it. They want to control and regulate a population that is mistrustful of its media its judiciary as law enforcement agencies and in particular, the establishment interests that appear to be able to coordinate all of them.

You’ve just seen with your own eyes sufficient evidence to warrant a serious investigation into the impact of the pandemic era distinct and separate from the impact of COVID itself, whether that’s as a result of the rise of heart disease, or people taking their own lives or mental health or the collapse of small businesses or the impact on children’s education, and certainly, and perhaps most importantly, the possible impact of certain medical interventions that were highly propagandized, the message of which was amplified. Questions weren’t asked the sand was shut down. The gym experts were shamed and smeared and shut down and dissenting voices were attacked. This is time for a global reckoning. Let’s make sure that 2024 isn’t like 2023 a year where ordinary people’s views were oppressed. So the establishment power could be continually magnified.

In case you are wondering what questions Albert Bourla ran away from, check out this article from Rebel News.  Those questions included:

  • When did you know that the vaccines didn’t stop transmission?
  • How long did you know that without saying it publicly?
  • Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission?
  • You said it was 100% effective then 90% and 80%, then 70% — but now we know that vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that a secret?





Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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