Purported Protesters Display Who They Are on the Streets of Portland Oregon

On Twitter, Andy Ngo is documenting the horrific conduct on the streets of Portland and Seattle, night after night. I forced myself to watch about 10 of these videos over the past week. The videos are graphic and highly disturbing, many involving beatings of non-violent people. Rampant morally reprehensible behavior, despite the claim that these are “protesters.” Police almost entirely absent.

There has been no coverage for the past ten days from the New York Times or NPR. Based on these videos, another Twitter user recently posted: “Portland was a nice city last time I visited. Now it’s ruled by violent mobs. #failedstate”


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    This unmasks the “peaceful protesters.” Their objectives are unrelated to race, justice, George Floyd or anything else they say. They are to cancel the history of the United States and then to remove it from the world stage. And, they are succeeding.

    I fear for the marginalized people who are bearing the brunt of the consequences. The protests provide cover for criminals to conduct open warfare on the mostly-black residents of inner cities. The fact that criminals and victims are both dark-skinned makes it no less racist. Black-owned businesses are being destroyed, black homes are burned, black babies murdered. But, there is something I fear far more.

    I fear for one of the oldest and, until recently, most respected institutions in the United States: the Democratic Party. It viewed the pandemic as a political issue to trip up Trump and to call him a liar for whatever he said. He hardly helps himself in the last one by having a flexible relationship with objective truth. Cutting travel was racist. Renaming a Pandemic Preparedness organization meant abolishing it. Adding 30% to the CDC budget meant reducing it. We could certainly criticize the President’s actions; The third cop attempt in three years via a questionable impeachment didn’t help defend the country from COVID19.

    There is no deep state, merely a confluence of interests between the Democratic Party and public employee unions. Zealous representation of one’s interests became blood lust. Yet the actions of every bureaucrat, none of whom can be fired, all members of public employee unions, and cumulatively with far more power than any five hundred elected officials combined, are all the personal responsibility of Trump. The pandemic was used by governors to shred the US constitution with broad orders, often in defiance of both science and common sense. The orders benefited political allies and damaged political foes. And we sank into an incomprehensible recession. Which has been cheered on by the Democrats who also want us to fail to control COVID19 until they regain power.

    The worst, though, was turning over control of our major cities to anarcho-Marxist mobs. Both Antifa and BLM are admittedly Marxist, and no Democrat will say a word against them. Rather, they blame Trump and federal “stormtroopers.” Democrats are cheering on the inmates as they take over the asylum, naively certain that they can regain control just as soon as they regain power. The most powerful Democrat in the country, Speaker of the House, is held hostage by a little girl who knows far less than she thinks she does. The party apparatus again denied the will of the people to engineer nomination of the least capable candidate. And the party is committed to programs that will destroy the country. The goals are largely fine, the methods are destructive.

    When the party is fully in control of the “peaceful protesters,” there is only one force capable of dislodging it. And, that alternative means the anarcho-Marxists have won.

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