Create your own yard sign for Obama

Why use a pre-made Obama sign when you can make your own?  This question became obvious this weekend.  My neighborhood was sponsoring an art fair along a long boulevard, “The Shaw Art Fair.” (here’s some of the art). Almost 150 artists showed up.  One of the neighbors set up a big tarp and provided blank signs, markers and paint.  For free (or for a small donation) this neighbor offered folks a chance to make their own political signs.

sign making

Many people took advantage of the opportunity, as you can see from these drying signs.  By my neighbor’s estimate, more than 200 people took advantage of his sign-making materials.  Quite often, parents and children worked together on the signs.

drying signs

It occurred to me that this was a clever strategy.  If my neighbor had simply offered to give people pre-made Obama signs, I don’t think he would have had quite as much business.   Because he offered to let families make their own signs, he was instrumental in getting hundreds of homemade Obama signs erected on lawns.  After all, when you work on a sign with your kids, they will insist you actually stick it in the front yard when you get back home.

obama sign frong

My family took advantage of this opportunity.  Above, you can see one side of our homemade sign, designed by one of my daughters.   Below, you can see that I had a less artistic backside to the sign.  Yes, I do have some (not many) McCain-supporting neighbors and they are not going to like this direct and accusatory approach to campaigning.

obama sign back

It is interesting how so many Americans are so willing to plop pre-made signs on their lawns rather than making their own personal statements and creating their own artwork.   The home-made aspect of these signs reminds me of an earlier post where I complained about store-bought greeting cards. Why buy mass-produced Hallmark cards when you can make your own, and the message will be so much more personal?   Same thing for political signs for the front yard.  My unsoliticed advice:  Go express yourself politically!


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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