PayPal is Broken and Nobody’s Talking

Last night the online acceptance service PayPal went offline for 8 hours starting at about 8 p.m. CDT. All you could get from clicking on any PayPal link or button on any of millions of web sites was a message that this unexpected prime-time outage was “routine maintenance”. This morning, PayPal is only partially functional.

Although PayPal is not a bank, they process and hold more money than do many actual banks. They are the primary payment service for eBay, who finally bought the PayPal corporation, on eBay.

What puzzles me is that I can find no news report about this, unlike the outage last year (6/1/07).


Dan Klarmann

A convoluted mind behind a curly face. A regular traveler, a science buff, and first generation American. Graying of hair, yet still verdant of mind. Lives in South St. Louis City. See his personal website for (too much) more.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Avatar of projektleiterin

    Those Paypal guys are morons. I just use it when I have to.

  2. Avatar of mrstitches

    I have discovered the same thing. I contacted customer support and was told that paypal is performing a software update and it affecting and/or preventing SOME customers froa acessing their accouth details.

  3. Avatar of projektleiterin

    If I remember right I paid $30 on eBay for a used knitting magazine (the retail price used to be $6.99, maybe even less). There were patterns missing and the freaking seller accused me of ripping the pages out and trying to scam her. She also called me all kinds of names. I tried to get my money back via PayPal and these idiots frustrated me enough to give up, because the sheer stupidity of the email exchange drove me nuts (and let's just say that a lot of people have told me that I'm way too argumentative). The stupidity of these moronic morons is unbearably unbelievable. Actually calling them morons would be an insult for every moron.

  4. Avatar of Mike Pulcinella
    Mike Pulcinella

    I've been using Paypal for almost a year for my DVD sales with no problems so far. I am very concerned to read these posts!

  5. Avatar of Dan Klarmann
    Dan Klarmann

    I've been using PayPal since 2001, buying and selling quite comfortably. My primary source of income this year ( funnels funds through PayPal.

    Thus my concern at this unannounced prime-time outage masked as "routine maintenance". Perhaps it had to do with the Skype Hijackings that funneled money via PayPal.

  6. Avatar of Mike Pulcinella
    Mike Pulcinella

    I don't let my Paypal account hold much more than a few hundred dollars. Whenever it grows over a certain amount I immediately transfer funds to my bank. This may be a good reason to continue to do that!

  7. Avatar of projektleiterin

    If you don't try to get your money back from scammers via PayPal it probably works fine. I never have problems with transactions, I just have problems with the morons from customer service. I got ridiculous phone calls telling me the same nonsense that they wrote in their emails. I mean, what's so difficult to understand that a knitting magazine with missing pages, for which the description on eBay said, "no damage noticed," and for which a four times higher price than the retail price was paid, is not ok?

    You answer their emails and every time a new idiot replies back, having absolutely no clue and interest about your problem. Else I can't understand why they would constantly refer to me as "Mr. X." The disputed item is a knitting magazine for crying out loud. Maybe some men knit, maybe some buy it for their wives, sisters, girlfriends, or whoever, but how high can their number be? This is mental laziness at its best. One day their heads will implode due to the vaccum inside. Eventually I blocked their emails, because they continued sending me emails telling me the same worn out bullshit. And the seller wrote all kinds of nasty stuff in her rating. When I complained to eBay they took it off. What an insane whacko.

    Hey, actually I had posted about my eBay experience:

    I can only roll my eyes at such naivety. I really really believed then I would get my money back – ha, ha, ha. Anyway, the good thing is that it was just $30.

  8. Avatar of Bree

    I came across your blog beacuse I was googling losing 2 lbs. per week…then I saw this!

    Just this past Sunday my PayPal account was hijaked and someone "bought" a laptop from eBay with MY checking account because it is linked through my PayPal account. So..keep a close eye on PayPal…even if you don't keep $$ IN your PayPal account. They can easily transfer it from your linked accounts (i.e. bank accounts, credit cards).

    Just a little food for thought.


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