Quotes for Our Troubled Time

"Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

"It should be blindingly obvious by now that the identity politics of race, religion and ethnicity are deeply poisonous, blinding us from seeing our common humanity. The left and the right are equally capable of weaponizing identity to justify violence." Lee Fang

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” Selwyn Duke

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About Mentorship

This quote has guided me for much of my life:

" . . . [H]is disciple cried impetuously: 'But I believe in your cause and consider it so strong that I shall say everything, everything that I still have in my mind against it.'

The innovator laughed in his heart and wagged a finger at him. 'This kind of discipleship,' he said, 'is the best; but it is also the most dangerous, and not every kind of doctrine can endure it.'"

Friederich Nietzsche - The Gay Science (1882) Sec 106 "Music as an Advocate"

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