Legacy media fails in SOOO many ways these days. They refuse to offer links to primary sources relating to their stories, for instance. Matt Taibbi explains that this is not an accident. They also refuse to give historical context for the "stories" they report. So often, we only hear of the crisis de jour. That's how it is with the Ukraine War. RFK, Jr. did offer this short history of the American Military Industrial Complex. It's real and it is responsible for much of the worldwide dysfunction we read about, including the War in Ukraine. Kennedy:
“We are the military-industrial complex.”
“Washington ... is like a Kabuki theatre of democracy.”
It’s about ending the trauma that the US military-industrial complex has put the world through since 1963.
RFK Jr: JFK’s 1,000 days in office were a “constant fistfight with the military-industrial complex to keep the country out of war.”
“Three days before [JFK] took office, President Eisenhower gave what I think we should today regard as the most important speech in American history.”
“He warned Americans against the domination of this emerging military-industrial complex that would turn us into an imperium abroad and a security state at home.”
“[JFK] takes office three days later.”
“They tried to get him to go into Laos, he refused.”
“They tried to get him to go into Cuba in ‘61 and again in ‘62 during the missile crisis, and he wouldn’t.”
“They tried to get him to go into Berlin in ‘62, and he wouldn’t.”
“They tried to get him to go into Vietnam … and he said it can’t be our fight.”
“In October 1963 … [JFK] signed National Security Order 263 ordering all military personnel out of Vietnam.”
“Thirty days after he signed that order, he was murdered. And a week after that, President Johnson remanded the order and then sent 250,000 troops in.”
“My father ran against the war in ‘68. He wins the California primary, meaning he’s on his way to the White House, and he’s shot that night.”