I'm trying to make sense of who has been in charge of the many trends that are damaging our country (e.g. open borders, constant war, regime-change operations, health care totalitarianism & bureaucratic fraud). I suspect the power structure, if not this, it is something like what you see in this chart, in that most elected national officials are pawns. They have bosses above them. They don't see We the People as their clients. They see us as threats to their ideology and their job security. You can often hear them saying these things out loud (e.g., at the WEF).
Their #1 job is to censor and propagandize us by funding and controlling legacy news so that we believe that national elections still matter. A free and open internet, where we can exchange ideas with each other, is their #1 threat. If all of this sounds bizarre or conspiratorial to you, it's because you have limited your information diet to legacy news outlets, which have been controlled for years, through various government-funded carrots and sticks administered by so-called NGOs that are funded with your tax dollars by the likes of USAID, CEPPS and INTERNEWS.