John Yoo is haunted

Remember John Yoo, the Bush Administration lawyer who was willing to drag his Yale J.D. through the dirt by writing government memos that justified torture? If Yoo thought he could simply walk away from all of the commotion and hide out far away, he was wrong. Here he is (believe it or not) teaching law at Chapman University in Australia. During a recent class, Yoo was haunted by an old "friend" (the video is less than two minutes long): My question: Is this an improper disruption of a classroom, or is it just desserts?

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Could the President order that someone be buried alive? Yes or no?

This testimony by John Yoo is disgraceful on many levels.   Yoo was commenting (or, rather, refusing to comment) on his previous "work" in Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel.  Of course, in this Think Progress video, Yoo is doing his best to uphold the disgraceful actions of his former boss,…

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