Marriage is a game

Rod Humble, a game developer (I guess, even if you don't play computer games, names like The Sims, he is Head of the Sims Studio, or EverQuest will sound familiar to you) created an artgame, The Marriage. Available for download from his website. The Marriage is intended to be art.…

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How to make a rubber hand magically turn into YOUR hand.

Intrigued by my review of numerous articles on neural plasticity, I concocted a simple experiment that had dramatic results.  I set out to see whether I could cause people to have the illusion that a cheap rubber hand could “become” their own hand.  Over the past few years, I’ve run this experiment on about a half-dozen people, just out of curiosity.  Most of my “subjects” found that the experience was “creepy,” in that it appeared that the rubber hand “became” their own hand.  It’s an do-it-yourself artificially-induced out-of-body experience.

Here’s how I ran my experiment.  Step one is to buy a rubber hand, the creepy kind often used in gags.  

                               rubber hand.jpg

Here’s one place where you can buy a fake hand.  Alternatively, here’s a site that teaches you how to make your own rubber hand.  You’ll also need to bend a coat hanger into a “Y” shape. 

                               hanger in Y shape.jpg

Finally, you’ll need a simple barrier, such as a large book.  That’s all the equipment you’ll need.  Here’s how you run the experiment.

Put the rubber hand side-by-side with the person’s same-side real hand. 

              hands side by side.jpg

You’ll be using the “Y” shaped coat hanger to touch precisely the same part of the rubber hand and the subject’s hand simultaneously.  Move the hanger around and tap on or stroke a wide variety of corresponding parts of the two hands.

              tapping hands together.jpg 

While you tap on the same portions of each hand, the subject should only be looking at the rubber hand–that’s why you’ll need some sort of barrier.  …


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