How many more bars of soap will I buy before I die?

Today, I find myself wondering how many more bars of soap I will buy before I die.  How many more bars of soap will I buy ever?  What brought this on? I recently went to Costco.  I needed soap and Costco sells big packs of soap at a good price. …

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Sin, Sex, Secret Societies

Last night I saw The Da Vinci Code for the first time.  I had read the first chapter of the book some time ago and frankly it so did not capture my imagination that I haven't picked it up since.  Years before, I'd read Holy Blood Holy Grail, the book…

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Cats With Guns – The Pinky Show

In which we, along with a disappointed viewer, are are schooled by a very smart cat regarding symbols, meaning, and discourse. If you are not familiar with The Pinky Show, check them out. Though simple, compelling. I always gain at least one new way to look at things. [youtube][/youtube] If…

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