Nakedness For A Better World

Have you ever noticed that certain people who drive Very Large Vehicles tend to drive slower than everyone else?  I followed a 4X4 pick-up truck of epic proportions this morning and the driver crawled along at just under 25 miles an hour on a 35 mph street.  He--there's only one…

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Pig Food, compliments of the Hostess

I needed to attend a deposition in Washington D.C. today.  I brought one of my daughters (she's 6) on the trip. She patiently drew pictures and read books during the deposition, which lasted two hours this morning.  Now that I'm done with work, we're having fun doing tourist things.  First, we visited…

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About Ben

I hereby designate this space to be about Ben. If you've never met him, Ben will show up here soon enough, with an armful of links and lots of observations.   I think this should serve as the official place where we can chat with Ben, jab him good-naturedly, learn of the…

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