Langurs fighting and then reconciling

Today, my daughters and I had the opportunity to observe two male langurs fighting and then reconciling at the St. Louis Zoo today. First of all, here's the fight (this is the tale end of a rough play session that turned noticeably unpleasant--the entire episode lasted about 3 minutes): [youtube][/youtube]…

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John McCain’s honesty problem

McCain's honesty problem has been condensed into this short YouTube video by Robert Greenwald. The mainstream media needs to focus on what McCain himself has claimed.   This is not character assassination, but forcing McCain to deal with his own statements. [youtube][/youtube]

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An advantage to having no bones and the ability to change colors.

In addition to being a very smart animal, the octopus has no bones.  Hence, it can pull off this incredible manuver of sqeezing through a one-inch hole. If you liked the first video, you'll also enjoy this much more elaborate octopus video from National Geogaphic.

Continue ReadingAn advantage to having no bones and the ability to change colors.

Obama on the meaning of “We the People”

Barack Obama has challenged Americans to rise above trite cartoonish conceptions of race. [youtube][/youtube] The full text of Obama's thought-provoking and impassioned speech can be read here. Are Americans ready for a candidate who dares to challenge them? Are they ready for a candidate who speaks comfortably of the complexities…

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