The God Equation

In mathematics we know that no matter how perfectly you carry out the calculations, if your constants are wrong, your answer will be wrong. In science, the assumptions you make before beginning your experiment can affect the outcome of the experiment. Keep that in mind as we go forward. There has been some amazing scholarly work done with regard to the bible over the ages. And yet I feel that much of it rests upon several erroneous assumptions about the nature of God that don't hold up to common sense scrutiny. Believers have told me that creation "bears witness of the creator". In other words, we can see the hand of God in nature. I agree! I think that the creative/destructive forces of the universe do reveal their nature through creation. With that in mind let's look to nature to see the nature of "god"! God vs Satan In the bible we are told that there is a cosmic battle going on between the forces of good and evil, i.e., God vs Satan. However, the separation of good and evil doesn't hold up in light of common sense observations of the universe. Bad and good are NEVER completely separate things. Nothing is ever all bad or all good. Here is an example:

From Wiki: “The parasitoid wasp Glyptapanteles lays its eggs, about 80 at a time, in young geometrid caterpillars. The eggs hatch and the larvae feed on the caterpillar's body fluids. When they are fully developed, they eat through the caterpillar's skin, attach themselves to a nearby branch or leaf and wrap themselves up in a cocoon.”
For the wasp, this is good. For the caterpillar this is bad. Horrifically so. [More . . . ]

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God’s Ultimate Test

What if there IS a God? What if God is testing us? What if He is a cosmic prankster and has directed the creation of many differing religions to confuse us? What if God intentionally created the bible with its contradictions, inaccuracies, absurdities, mistakes, unbelievable occurrences and prejudices as a test? What if the test is to see if we fall for it? What if atheists are the ONLY ones going to heaven?

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