Quick and dangerous wild fire
This Park Service video shows the speed and ferocity of a recent Texas wildfire. This video was shot in Bastrop State Park in Bastrop, Texas, where this fire ruined all but 100 acres of the 6,000 acre park.
This Park Service video shows the speed and ferocity of a recent Texas wildfire. This video was shot in Bastrop State Park in Bastrop, Texas, where this fire ruined all but 100 acres of the 6,000 acre park.
The Texas Senate yanked Governor Perry's creationist appointee to the State Board of Education.
In a rare rejection of an appointment by the Texas governor, the Senate Thursday ousted Don McLeroy as chairman of the State Board of Education, with his supporters claiming the Bryan dentist was the victim of his strong religious beliefs.
McLeroy is a devout Christian who believes in creationism and the notion that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. He has steadfastly argued that Texas students should be taught the weaknesses of evolution.
I spent the afternoon at Dallas-Fort-Worth Airport, unsuccessfully trying to get on a standby flight, then waiting for my originally scheduled flight. While I waited, I walked about, amazed at the size of the airport. The airport stretches as far as the eye can see.
Gazing out of the terminal, you can see several control towers in the distance. A woman at the information booth told me that DFW covers more ground than Manhattan. I had a difficult time believing it, but it turns out that it's true. I learned here that DFW covers more than 29.8 square miles (18,076 acres), whereas Manhattan covers only 22.96 square miles. The airport is so big, that it is necessary to travel between terminals on an elaborate tram system ("Skylink" covers a 5-mile route at speeds of up to 35 mph).
The vast grounds of DFW are overwhelming, but so is the interior. It's an entire city, staffed with 60,000 employees. There must be hundreds of restaurants and stores. Including this one, called "Lone Star Attitude." I noticed this store because I sat across from it waiting for my standby flight. It was a bit creepy, looking at the cows dressed up in human clothes. I think I'll get over it, but I did wonder whether this was an effective form of marketing. Perhaps only in Texas.
[Photos by Erich Vieth]
Less than 1% of the 464 biology and biological anthropology faculty members who responded to a recent survey approved of the following proposition: “Modern evolutionary biology is mostly wrong. Life arose through multiple creation events by an intelligent designer, although evolution by natural selection played a limited role.” The biologists…
There is yet another story going around about dinosaur and human footprints found together in ancient (maybe 4,000 years old!) rock. Here is the local credulous Texas take on the find. All the previous pictures of contemporaneous dinosaur and human footprints provided by these people showed that humans used to…