Personal ads indicate you’re not as free as you want to believe

Are you sure you want to be "free"?  Freedom is such a strange concept. I've never understood it in the context of personal decision-making.  Americans claim to love "freedom," but how much freedom can you stand?  Freedom implies occurrences that are unhinged from naturalistic laws.  Freedom implies a mechanism that…

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Missouri Mandates Ignorance-Only Sex Education

Last Friday, Governor Blunt signed a bill that mandates that sex ed teachers provide political affiliations and charitable contribution disclosures to the state in order to prevent any teachers possibly affiliated with any reproductive rights centers or groups from teaching about reproduction. It also prohibits schools from obtaining materials from…

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Paris Hilton goes to jail and other bites of word salad

If you Google “Paris Hilton Jail” you’ll get 15 million hits. If you Google “Downing Street Memo” you'll get only 800,000 hits. A terrifying real-world topic, “Greenland ice sheet,” will only return 900,000 hits. I suppose it’s because there are no videos of memos or glaciers having sex. What brought…

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Pro-choice, even assuming the fetus is fully human

In this 1971 article, Judith Jarvis Thomson suggests that we’ve spent way too much time and emphasis on the issue of whether a developing fetus is fully human.   She doesn’t concede this point (she argues that acorns are not oak trees).  Yet she prefers to bring the conversation to what…

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James Dobson: God would be justified destroying entire cities

Why would God be justified destroying an entire city right now?  Because we're bad.  How do you know we're bad?  Because of lesbian sex. How do we learn all of this?  Because when minister John MacArthur says so, James Dobson nods in approval.  For more, see Crooks and Liars.  Here…

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