Abstinence only versus comprehensive sex education

I listened to the Diane Rehm show this morning (hosted today by Frank Sesno, who moved the show along briskly and laudably forcing the guests to define their terms).   The above link is to a page where you can listen to the show.  Three organizations were represented in the studio,…

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That connection between disgust and morality – John McCain clearly crosses the line

I've written previously about that penchant of many conservatives to base their moral sense on visceral disgust.  As psychologist Jonathan Haidt has demonstrated, this connection is much more readily made by conservatives than by progressives (also, see here). It is in that context that I must confess that I felt…

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Sex-ed lite bill to be introduced in Utah

Under a bill to be introduced soon in Utah, sex education teachers would be criminally liable if they "deviate from state law governing sex education, which requires that it focus on physical and emotional development of adolescents, healthy relationships and the threat and prevention of diseases." The bill is being…

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