New report: Children exposed to pornography might get the impression that sex is pleasurable.

Is sex pleasurable? As I young teenager I had no idea, because the "sex education" I received from my school (and my nervous father) omitted that critical topic. I was given information that amounted to "plumbing," devoid of any social context. That's how it was back in the 60's for many of us. For personal historical reasons, then, I especially enjoyed this new report by Onion Network News: Study: Children Exposed To Pornography May Expect Sex To Be Enjoyable

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The media vultures arrive after the dead have been carted away.

There was a tragedy in Kirkwood Missouri last night.  A madman opened fire on a City Council meeting in Kirkwood Missouri, killing five people. That was last night.  I was riding my bike through Kirkwood today, and I happened to travel past the Kirkwood City Hall.  It was about 1:00 pm and the…

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Because we’re “kicking ass” in Iraq, President Bush should lead a parade through downtown Baghdad

I’m having a bit of trouble understanding all of the newly released reports coming out about Iraq.  Luckily for everyone, when Australia Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile recently asked President Bush for an update on Iraq, the President told him “We’re kicking ass.” OK.  Fair enough.  That sums it up…

Continue ReadingBecause we’re “kicking ass” in Iraq, President Bush should lead a parade through downtown Baghdad