
I've been following various articles in my local newspaper and local television "news," looking for some recognition of the seriousness of the problem with soaring energy prices. This problem is entirely predictable by reference to the simple economic relationship between supply and demand. We've got a finite diminishing supply of…

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Think solar, U.S.

Scientific American has just published a comprehensive article on how to switch the United States substantially over to sunlight. The headline: "By 2050 solar power could end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions." The cost of this immense clean-energy-producing plan would be $420 billion. That's a HUGE…

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National Science Teacher Association carefully analyzes the color green

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) recently made the strange decision to reject 50,000 free DVDs of Al Gore's global warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth. At Huffpo, Laurie David asks whether it: just might - have had anything to do with more than six million dollars the organization has accepted…

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