Advice for Norway
Two weeks ago, my 12-year old daughter and I strolled through downtown Oslo. It was a beautiful city back then, as it will again be someday soon. As my nieces pointed out the various government buildings at the center of downtown, I remember commenting, "They are so very accessible," meaning that there were no imposing walls surrounding them, and I didn't see any heavily armed guards. I'm attaching a couple photos I took in downtown Oslo during my trip. As I walked around, the thought keep recurring: This would be a wonderful place to live (I write this based on many conversations I've had with
Norwegians, such as this one).
And now it deeply saddens me to hear of the recent bombing and shootings.
I would only have one bit of advice for the Norwegians: Don't do what the U.S. did after 9/11.
Don't trash your civil liberties. Don't vilify each other based on "lack of patriotism." Don't drum up evidence to start an unnecessary war somewhere. If your conservatives become overt warmongerers as a result of these tragedies, demand that they provide substantial evidence to substantiate whatever claims they make. Whoever caused this, be very careful to not overgeneralize your anger toward large groups of people who are innocent. Don't get suckered into draining your treasury to feed new-found paranoia. Don't become a closed society. Don't let anyone disparage the importance of your civil rights. Don't let this tragedy define you or obsess you. Beware that a bomb can, if you are not careful, become a fuse to a much bigger self-imposed tragedy. Don't self-destruct, like the United States is doing.
To my Norwegian friends and family, I am so very saddened to hear of this tragedy. I love your country.