St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Sarah Palin walks on water

It's amazing to see the horrifically slanted local coverage of Sarah Palin by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch .  The only daily newspaper in St. Louis has now unveiled Palin as a party savior, refusing to engage with the ongoing torrent of information revealing Sarah Palin to be an inexperienced, dishonest…

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No pity for FOX “news”

Quite predictably, FOX didn' "hear" any of these protesters address any real issues.  That's because FOX doesn't want to hear things like "Stop the War" and "Stop the torture."   [youtube][/youtube] FOX got exactly the chant it deserved at the end of this video.   That's some free speech for you, FOX. …

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Almost 70 harsh questions for John McCain. An easy-to-use press kit for spineless news media reporters and their editors

Why should we ask John McCain harsh questions? Because we need to even the playing field. You see, if Barack Obama had McCain’s background, ignorance and bad character, the election would have been over months ago. The news media is holding back, though. Those media barbecues appear to be paying off.

So it’s time to even the playing field. Since the media keeps asking these sorts of disparaging and insulting questions to Barack Obama, it’s time to ask these same sorts of questions to John McCain. I admit that a few of these are outrageously unfair, just like many of the questions repeatedly posed to Obama.

Most of these questions are fair, though, and the news media has refused to dig deep and really get the answers Americans need. If you have additional questions that the media needs to ask John McCain, please submit them in the comments. I’d like to make this post a place where reporters are free to visit for ideas. As you can see, I’ve attached explanatory links to most of the proposed questions.

Unlike Barack Obama, McCain has a lot of explaining to do about what kind of person he has shown himself to be and portrayed himself to be. Let’s get started:

Generally Puzzling
Isn’t it true that you personally now oppose several bills that you yourself co-sponsored?

Why is your smile so creepy and fake?

Do you really believe that the President of the U.S. virtually functions as a dictator?

General Character Deficits


Continue ReadingAlmost 70 harsh questions for John McCain. An easy-to-use press kit for spineless news media reporters and their editors

The media vultures arrive after the dead have been carted away.

There was a tragedy in Kirkwood Missouri last night.  A madman opened fire on a City Council meeting in Kirkwood Missouri, killing five people. That was last night.  I was riding my bike through Kirkwood today, and I happened to travel past the Kirkwood City Hall.  It was about 1:00 pm and the…

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Pulitzer Prize winning writer Connie Schultz on the damage wrought by media consolidation

Connie is a well-informed writer who hits the nail right on the head while addressing the FCC. Just ignore the sync problem with the vido and listen to five-minutes of an experienced reporter who illustrates the problem succinctly and eloquently. [youtube][/youtube]

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