How unique are you?

How unique are you? Or, rather, how unique is your name? I have a rather unusual name. I was wondering whether any other person has my first and last name. I visited a site called "White Pages" and found out that there seems to be only one other person in the United States who shares both my first and last name. There are more than 9,000 people with a first name spelled "Erich." If you'd like to find out how unique (or common) your name is, as well as the states where your namesake(s) live, visit White Pages and click on the "Name Facts" link (located over the field for "City, State or Zip." Hint: If you leave that field black, you'll retrieve information for the entire United States. If you enter a state in that box, you see only information for that state. I found out that there are at least 870 people in the U.S. named "George Washington." There seems to be only one person named "Barack Obama." There are more than 20,000 people named "John Smith." There are more than 500,000 people with the last name of "Martin." There is one person in the U.S. with the first name "Sardine." More than 90 people have a first name of "Music." More than 700,000 people have the first name of "Jose." The most popular male and female names in the U.S. are "John" and "Mary." The site indicates that it gets its information from a variety of sources:

This is what it sounds like: information that's available to the public. It includes addresses, street names, cities, states and ZIP codes. Other examples of publicly available information include published phone directories and information published on the Internet, such as publicly available social network profiles.

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