Al Jazeera English “for real news”?

Where do you turn if you really want to know what’s going on in Burma?

Harry Shearer compares the Al Jazeera English coverage to domestic news services and finds that Al Jazeera wins hands down.  CNN’s domestic feed is pathetic, while CNN has been working hard to make its international feed unavailable to those in the U.S.

How bad is domestic coverage of international news:

Once you watch BBC, CNNI, AJE–any of services we’ve been talking about today–and then venture back to the domestic swill, you realize the difference: the international channels are, despite their faults and differences, talking to grownups, the domestic channels are talking either to somewhat bright or somewhat dim children.

The comments fleshed out Shearer’s short post:

Whenever something significant happens in the world – I either go to CBC or to a lesser extent the BBC for a real news account. The American counterpart is 1% news and 99% hot gas telling us how we should feel about it.

Somewhere along the line – people like Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, and Sumner Rothstein decided that news was supposed to make money and pacify a nation of imbeciles – not inform the citizens of a self-governed nation. . . . And with names like those above – is it any wonder that the American public has been fed 35 years of anti-arab bias? I think back to my childhood watching cartoons – and even in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, the arab is always portrayed as an


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Bloggers who get access to the President

The new media are increasingly learning the lessons of the corporate media. According to this post on the Harper's site, the bloggers who get personal access to the President are those who write about the President sympathetically. Here's an example of the sort of bloggers the President seeks: Matthew Burden, who…

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How to Swift Boat any person, every time

Most rational people wouldn’t consider running for a prominent political office for fear of what would happen to their reputations.  Their worries are well-founded.  That is why so many people would never run for office, which serves to filter out the best and brightest potential candidates.  This filtering process endangers our…

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Conservative columnists dominate America’s newspapers

According to this article in Media Matters, Editor and Publisher have painstakingly gathered data to determine what types of columnists are being published in what markets. The results demonstrate a strong conservative bias in most newspapers.  Here are some of the results from the Executive Summary of the study: Sixty percent…

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FOX tries to make Ron Paul invisible

If you don't think that FOX news is absolutely corrupt, and that FOX has drunk lots of concentrated neocon Koolaid, take a look at the furious spin job FOX did during the first Republican debate. This video has been doctored by Ron Paul's people, sometimes in an entertaining way. The…

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