Now I get it! We’re all back in high school.

There has been lots of news lately that John Edwards has endorsed Barack Obama. I realize that John Edwards was a United States Senator and that he is highly accomplished, but it puzzles me why anyone should care so much about what Edwards (or any other individual) thinks regarding the…

Continue ReadingNow I get it! We’re all back in high school.

Arianna Huffington on why the Right is wrong.

Arianna Huffington has just released her new book, Right Is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us All Less Safe. Huffington has reviewed the main themes of her book at Huffpo. In the book, Huffington concludes that there are three main areas to consider…

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Hypocrisy, anyone? The MSM and politicians do more than their share this week.

Arianna Huffington recently wrote a post that summarizes enough hypocrisy to throw the happiest concerned citizen into a long-term funk. The deep theme that all of these recent events have in common is that prominent American sources of information are demonstrably untrustworthy. How else can you explain the Administration's military…

Continue ReadingHypocrisy, anyone? The MSM and politicians do more than their share this week.

Director Phil Donahue discusses the sanitizing of the Iraq occupation.

In this Truthout interview (by Geoffry Millard), Phil Donahue exhorts: "Don't sanitize the war."  Who are the perpetrators of this effort to sanitize the war?  Politicians and the media, for starters.  That effort to sanitize the bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq is the main message of the newly-released movie that…

Continue ReadingDirector Phil Donahue discusses the sanitizing of the Iraq occupation.