We just elected not-Bush. Exhibit A: Obama’s policies regarding the Internet

Barack Obama is going to be a big change from George W. Bush, as you can see by reviewing his transition site: Change.gov.   It's gratifying to see the many enlightened changes that Barack Obama will be bringing to the way the government views and uses the Internet.   For example, he…

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Internet for everyone? Why not?

Here's a terrific article by Tim Karr of Free Press.  Why not exert some intelligent political will and make certain that blistering high-speed broadband is available to anyone who wants it at a reasonable price?   Karr's article comes with some disturbing statistics: Access to broadband today is held in the…

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The Apple iPhone: yet another conflation of needs and wants

It's deemed "news" rather than advertising: It's right up there with Paris Hilton. Hundreds of people who lined up to be among the first to get their hands on Apple Inc.’s coveted iPhone are now the braggarts and guinea pigs for the latest must-have, cutting-edge piece of techno-wizardry.  Gotta have…

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