Why and How to have Conversations With the People Who Disagree with Us

Here, Scott Barry Kaufman tells us why we need to have conversations with people who think differently than us:

Here is a long list of many of the things we have in common, a list compiled by Donald Brown in a book called Human Universals. I commented on this long list in a previous post.

And here is a good recipe for having those conversations, the HxA Way of Heterodox Academy.

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We Know We are not Infallible, but We Don’t Know What We are Infalliable About.

Jonathan Haidt, Robert George, Steven Pinker, and Leda Cosmides discuss human biases and why we need healthy institutions and viewpoint diversity to counteract them.

One important change could restore vibrancy to our universities: a renewed celebration of viewpoint diversity.

The university is meant to be a sacred space where we can test novel ideas and engage in thoughtful dialogue without fear of repercussions. When these ideals are no longer prioritized, the culture of open inquiry and truth-seeking dissipates.

Listen to Jonathan Haidt, Steven Pinker, Leda Cosmides, and Robert George discuss how to overcome our biases and foster a healthy academic culture.

Continue ReadingWe Know We are not Infallible, but We Don’t Know What We are Infalliable About.