Play this “game” to see whether your lifestyle is sustainable.

Clever packaging here.   The site, sponsored by Sustainability, asks how many Earths it would take were everyone to adopt your lifestyle.   I didn't do well (more than 4 Earths), despite my bicycle commuting and my reliance on public transportation.  Hmmm . . .

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How to live consciously, buy wisely and make a difference

Yes, you could continue on your merry way, spending money on the wrong types of things for all the wrong reasons.  We've all done this.  But we don't have to keep doing things this way.  To give you an assist, you can get some ideas and inspiration from New American Dream. It…

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White House muzzles yet another government scientist

The story was published by the Washington Post: Testimony that the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention planned to give yesterday to a Senate committee about the impact of climate change on health was significantly edited by the White House, according to two sources familiar with the…

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The advantages of covering one’s roof with plants.

It's the concept of greenroofing, and it's explained in great detail at Basically, greenroofs are vegetated roof covers, with growing media and plants taking the place of bare membrane, gravel ballast, shingles or tiles. The number of layers and the layer placement vary from system to system and greenroof…

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