Michelle Rhee’s approach to reform an abysmal school district

The November issue of The Atlantic features Michelle Rhee, the new 38 year old Chancellor of the Washington D.C. School District.   This is an excellent biography, titled "The Lightning Rod," which focuses on what Rhee had to do to get anything done at all.  Consider her bold approach: Since her…

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Abstinence only versus comprehensive sex education

I listened to the Diane Rehm show this morning (hosted today by Frank Sesno, who moved the show along briskly and laudably forcing the guests to define their terms).   The above link is to a page where you can listen to the show.  Three organizations were represented in the studio,…

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In exactly what ways should we keep our children ignorant about sex?

At DI, we have an extremely conservative fellow visiting the blog these days.  He's trying to convert all of us to his reactionary world view.  He clings to his Bible as a book of literal truths and he seems to love everything that Sarah Palin ostensibly stands for. I'd like…

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It takes conflict among colleges to make education interesting to the media

If the media really wanted to know about the kind of education offered by America's colleges, they could visit any of hundreds of fine colleges hundreds of days each year. It's a rare day, however, when any corporate media outlet takes interest in education of any sort. Unless, of course,…

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