Are we still teaching science at grade schools?

We're barely teaching science at grade schools in the Bay area.  Here are the findings of an extensive October 2007 study done by UC Berkeley.  You can read an article on this study at the website of the San Francisco Chronicle. Here are the main findings of the study: --…

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Cats With Guns – The Pinky Show

In which we, along with a disappointed viewer, are are schooled by a very smart cat regarding symbols, meaning, and discourse. If you are not familiar with The Pinky Show, check them out. Though simple, compelling. I always gain at least one new way to look at things. [youtube][/youtube] If…

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Counterknowledge and the Web

I stumbled onto this excellent column by Damian Thompson about the modern proliferation of pseudo-information. That is, the way various formerly obscure conspiracy cults (UFO’s, moon landing hoaxers, second-shooters, 9/11 Truthers, Flat Earthers, Young Earthers, Inflating Earthers, etc) manage to disseminate their beliefs convincingly to wide and gullible audiences.

Before Gutenberg, only reliable, church-approved texts could be widely read in western culture. Then a new technology came along, and suddenly heretics like Martin Luther or Galileo could publish widely before the church could disappear them and their ideas. It took a few generations to settle down to the publishing and  editorial ethic that made it clear which information was reliable and accepted, and which was fringe. It helped that there was still some economic hurdle to wide publication, and publishers needed to maintain their reputations. This lasted until almost the end of the 20th century.

Now, we have the web. Any misinformed but layout-talented individual can produce publications (pages) that look as wise, vetted, and reliable as Britannica. But without the necessity of prissy little details like fact checking or actual expertise in the subjects being purveyed. Must it be another couple of generations before the average browser can tell fact from fancy?


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Are schools killing creativity?

In this entertaining video, Ken Robinson discusses the critical role creativity should play in education. Robinson is the author of Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Robinson argues that Western education has failed to teach young people to think critically about life, art, culture, and humanism. Instead, most education is geared to producing workers. In the process, most education systems downplay or even disparage art: "Don't do music; you're not going to be a musician." Many brilliant people are taught to think that they are failures because the things they do well--often valuable things-are not valued by most schools. Robinson argues that we've got to develop a new "ecology" of education--we've got to stop "strip-mining young minds."

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Don’t mistakenly conclude that “experts” are wise. has just released it's Annual Question.  This year's version: WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT? WHY?"  I've read a couple dozen answers so far. As always, the answers are intellectually stimulating, challenging to common sense and entertaining. Television producer Karl Sabbagh weighs in this year with his realization that expertise has serious…

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