How many men are unknowlingly raising another man’s child?

I've sometimes wondered this, and this article in Discover Magazine presents the answer.  Four percent of men are raising another man's child: From the clinics to the courts, routine DNA tests uncover genetic identities—and even family secrets. British public-health researchers examined nearly 50 years of medical data from around the…

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How to trace your family tree 50,000 years back to your African origins

National Geographic's Genographic Project offers all of us an extraordinary opportunity: a method of tracing each of our family trees back to our African roots.  Yes, each of us is African.  An ever-growing collection of DNA studies unambiguously demonstrate that each of us had ancestors who lived in Africa more…

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Check out who’s living in “your” body

You are sitting there smugly thinking that you are in charge of your own body, and that you should be, because it is after all your body.  Well, you’re wrong.

The June 2007 Special Issue of Discover Magazine contains an article called “Your body is a planet.”  This article, written by Josie Glausiusz, recognizes that the average human body has 100 trillion cells. (Remember how much one trillion is?). I would have provided the link for this Discover article, but I did not see it anywhere at the Discover site.

Here’s the money question:  what percentage of those 100 trillion cells contain your DNA?  The answer is only 10%.  The other 90% of the cells in your body belong to “aliens”: bacteria, fungi and other microbes.

Most of the time we share our bodies harmoniously within 90 trillion or so microbes.  But sometimes the arrangement turns contentious, as when bloodsucking bedbugs, fleas and lives in beta, or when herpes simplex or human papillomaviruses cause surface membranes to erupt in nasty pustules or warts.

These “visitors” include athletes foot fungi, Streptococcus sanguis (that resides in dental plaque), vaginal flora, the chickenpox virus that lies dormant (for the most part) near our spinal cords and the one trillion bacteria that live in the average human’s skin.

It is commonly known that helpful bacteria live in the human gut.  Did you know, however, that the average human carries around 3.3 pounds of bacteria in the gut?

I also learned about demodex


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New DNA evidence bolsters idea that modern birds are descendants of dinosaurs

This article from LiveScience shows what incredible things can be accomplished when scientists search hard to find even a bit of surviving soft tissue in a T-rex femur: An adolescent female Tyrannosaurus rex died 68 million years ago, but its bones still contain intact soft tissue, including the oldest preserved…

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