Huffpo gives platform to Discovery Institute

I follow the Huffington Post carefully on political issues. It's credibility is far lower on health issues and, as Alex Pareene points out at, Huffpo has completely dropped the ball in allowing a high ranking member of the Discovery Institute to publish a post blaming Charles Darwin "for eugenics and the Nazis." Shame on Huffington Post for allowing such anti-factual drivel.

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Historical Contingency Proven in Labs, then Behe blathers.

In brief, Stephen Jay Gould proposed the idea that evolution is truly stochastic (a particular technical kind of random), that if we started evolution over as of a million years ago, we probably wouldn't be here in our current form. That is, any evolutionary step is contingent on the history…

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Dawkins cuts Behe apart and throws him to the dogs

This NYT article by Richard Dawkins is just too much fun to not read. And when I mentioned "dogs," I meant it.  If mutation, rather than selection, really limited evolutionary change [as Behe argues], this should be true for artificial no less than natural selection. Domestic breeding relies upon exactly…

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