Romney’s Testament

Mitt Romney has made it clear that he intends to serve the law first, his religion second. That he feels he ought not to have to justify his religious beliefs in order to run for president of the United States. The parallels to John F. Kennedy’s Houston speech are dripping…

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This just in…prayer doesn’t work.

While doing the research for my previous post, A Slaughterhouse of One's Own: A community confronts Santeria, I came across several explanations of exactly how animal sacrifice works in this religion, physically and metaphorically speaking. The animal is bound and its throat is cut. The carotid artery is sliced with…

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What do the families of the world eat?

Many of them eat much the same food as you, but there are many differences too. This is a wonderful photo-essay published by Time.  The Photographs, by Peter Menzel, are from the book Hungry Planet. The unvarnished facts speak loudly while you click through the series of photos. I found that viewing these…

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Texas Education Agency Science Expert Fired for Indirectly dissing Intelligent Design

In brief: Chris Comer, director of science curriculum, was pushed out after she sent an e-mail promoting a local talk by the author of "Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design". Comer merely sent a notice about the talk as an "FYI." The School board tried to claim that…

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