I’m still struggling to understand the alleged logic of the Easter sacrifice

Tonight, more than 35 years after completing 12 years of Catholic education, I find myself re-visiting the claim that it was God's gift to humankind to allow Jesus to die. Specifically, I'm re-reading my earlier posts on the "illogic of atonement" and the application of the "moral accounting metaphor."   I believe the latter theory would actually shed light on why an omnipotent God couldn't simply snap his fingers and forgive humans, instead of sacrificing his son.  Then again, none of this would explain why a God would blame all of humankind for the allegedly bad act of Adam and Eve, especially when their alleged transgression was trying to partake of knowledge of good and evil.  That doesn't sound like a crime to me. In fact it befuddles me.  Hence, I'm not a Christian. Rather, as usual, I'm looking at Easter from the outside in.

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