Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Syndromes

Why have I (and many other Americans) lost so much faith in American public health officials and institutions? Well, there was the official narrative that we heard from government officials, something like, "The vaccine is safe. Take it. Or else you will be socially ostracized, perhaps fired from your job." Matt Orfalea's mashup illustrates that official narrative:

On the other hand, consider the testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough in the Pennsylvania Senate. You will learn about massive conflicts of interest among public health institutions, including the CDC and the FDA. You will hear that there was no independent organization dedicated to patient safety of the vaccines, which is ghastly.  McCullough discusses the VAERS risk signal associated with the vaccines, which has been corroborated by subsequent studies.

McCullough testifies that 5% of Americans have suffered permanent disability, primarily stroke and neurologic disability as a result of taking the mRNA vaccine (min 27). He discusses the use of therapeutics for those detrimentally affected by the mRNA vaccine, including the use of the supplement called Nattokinase and other natural substances that seem to dissolve the spike protein that is already in the human body (discussed at min 27). Throughout this video you will hear his descriptions of a hubristic network of government "experts" and pharmaceutical manufacturers who are withholding data and refusing to enter into wide-open no-limits discussions regarding potential adverse affects of the COVID vaccines.

Why are some Americans having adverse affects regarding the vaccines while others are not? McCullough cites to a new R-Squared analysis study tracing problems to certain batches of the vaccines (and not others) (min 22). About 1/3 of people who received Batch 1 and report no side effects. Almost 2/3 of of people took Batch 2 and had side effects, but very few serious side-effects. About 4.2% of Americans received Batch 3, the bad batches and about 75% of those people receiving the bad batch have health issues related to the vaccine. Why? McCullough suggests that there was a "product manufacturing problem."  Either hyper-concentrated lipid nano-particles with an excessive amount of messenger RNA or CDNA contamination or other types of contamination.

I am not an expert, so I have no ability to evaluate McCullough's claims, but I listened closely as he cited to recent studies. What he is saying very much concerns me. At a minimum, how was it that experimental vaccines that never received standard testing labeling (with package inserts) were foisted (often under duress) on Americans via the Emergency Use Authorization?

And again, why are we not seeing wide discussion of these issues?  Why, instead, are we seeing suspicious activities by public health officials, things like this?

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Marty Makary Counts the Many Ways the Federal Government Failed Us During COVID

Marty Makary, MD, testifying before Congress:

More tragically, the NIH has $42 billion. BARDA, which is part of the PAHPA Act, has another billion dollars and they couldn't do the most basic clinical research we needed done quickly to answer the basic questions to end the controversies and the conspiracy theories to finally get up the questions Americans were asking us: How does it spread? Is it from touching surfaces? Do I need to pour 20 gallons of alcohol on my groceries? Fauci was telling teachers in July to wear gloves and goggles. Or was it spread airborne? That could have been answered in 24 hours in one of our BSL4 labs? Or in one week of clinical research to answer the question: When are you most contagious? What's the peak day of viral shedding? How long do you have you have to quarantine for? Do masks work? We could have answered these with definitive basic clinical research early. They didn't.

And so I think it's fair to ask how did they do in preparing us? For the pandemic? We've spent over $20 billion on PAHPA over the last 20 years. What has that done for us? How many lives were saved during the COVID pandemic because of investments by PAHPA or BARDA? Now, they've done some good work. I've seen it. But regardless of one's political affiliation, they've got to acknowledge that we doctors in the public were flying blind. We had opinion ruling the day on what we should do or not do when we could have been governed by evidence. Policy driven by good basic clinical research. We didn't have that. And so we had a void of clinical research. And guess what filled that void over half a year? A year? Two years? What filled that void were political opinions. Those controversies could have been ended early. We had the money.

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Highly Credentialed Doctors Testify before Congress, Excoriate U.S. Public Health Policy on COVID

Marty Makary MD, MPH, testifying before Congress:

The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States. Government misinformation that COVID was spread through surface transmission.

That vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity. That masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane Review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades Do you just ignore it and not talk about it? That myocarditis was more common after the infection than the vaccine. Not true. It's four to 28 times more common after the the vaccine.

That young people benefit from a booster. Misinformation. Our two top experts on vaccines quit the FDA in protest over this particular issue: pushing boosters in young, healthy people. That data was never there. That's why the CDC never disclosed hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under age 50.

That vaccine mandates would increase vaccination rates. The George Mason University study shows it didn't. It did one thing: it created never vaxxers who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get.

Over and over again, we've seen something that goes far beyond using your best judgment with the information at hand. We've seen something which is unforgivable, and that is the weaponization of medical research itself: The CDC putting out their own shoddy studies like their own study on natural immunity looking at one state for two months, when they had data for years on all 50 states. Why did they only report that one sliver of data? Why did they salami slice the giant database? Because it gave them the result they wanted. Same with masking study. Well, the data has now caught up in giant systematic reviews.

The public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people.

Thank you.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya opens at the House COVID Subcommittee: “Science bureaucrats abusing their authority to create an illusion of scientific consensus in favor of destructive ideas… With such a litany of failure, the American people deserve an honest COVID commission.”

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Restricting the COVID Restrictors

I agree with Dr. Vinay Prasad:

Let’s reflect on this for a moment. NYC school district has been requiring children wear masks OUTSIDE all this time. Years after we knew the virus almost never spreads outside. During recess when kids play, forced to wear a mask while exerting themselves. Wow!

Whoever made the policy is an idiot. No way around it. They are not fit for policymaking. They abused the power of government to coerce children (at incredibly low risk of bad outcomes) to wear a mask in a setting where the virus simply does not spread. In other words, they participated in something done in the name of public health, which actually made human beings worse off. Worse, they used coercive force to do it.

Post-COVID we need to seriously talk about setting restrictions. But not on people. We need to place restrictions on public health and things done in the name of public health. We cannot allow individuals who are poor at weighing risk and benefit and uncertainty to coerce human beings, disproportionately the young and powerless (waiters/ servers) to participate in interventions that have no data supporting them, for years on end.

Here are the first two of Prasad's eight take-home suggestions:

  1. In an emergency situation, if governments mandate or advise individual level behavioral interventions (e.g. masking), those entities should have generate robust data in 3 months (cluster RCTs) to demonstrate efficacy, or the intervention is automatically revoked. Some may argue 3 months is too short, but if it is truly a crisis warranting emergency proclamations, then you should see a signal in 3 months, and governments can expand sample size to ensure prompt results
  2. If a trial is positive that does not mean the policy continues forever, but must be debated (net benefit/ net harms/ tradeoffs) by the body politic.

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