Bill O’Reilly’s math

This 22 second statement has got to be seen to be believed. Anyone this math-challenged shouldn't be discussing the Canadian health care system and shouldn't be on the air at all. Via Media Matters. Interesting statistic that the average Canadian lives almost 2 years longer than the average American. BTW, did you know that O'Reilly's average viewer is 71 years old? Who is he going to replace those viewers with in coming years?

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Bill O’Reilly tries to understand the First Amendment

Bill O'Reilly tries to understand the First Amendment in the context of the Washington State Governor's attempt to accommodate other religious viewpoints along with a Christian nativity display.  It's a lively discussion, and somewhat entertaining during which O'Reilly never claims to understand that it's viewpoint discrimination that is relevant.  I…

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O’Reilly and Ron Paul debate U.S. Middle East policy

This one is difficult to watch because O'Reilly is so utterly condescending and so unwilling to allow his guest (Ron Paul) to speak. The debate does capture the neocon perspective (O'Reilly) and Paul's view, to which I am sympathic. Ron Paul argues that our "troubles" in the Middle East are…

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