Making an Atheist Read the Bible, for Cash

Here's an interesting recent event: Atheists collecting for charity by publicly reading from holy texts. College students at Penn State came up with the idea, and in 9 hours they raised over $500 to give to Doctors without Borders. They set up a table with copies of a wide assortment…

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“Thanks, but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere” Palin keeps saying.

Chris Matthews is now driving the point home:  Sarah Palin is a pathological liar.   She fully supported the bridge to nowhere, but here she is, seven times, claiming she didn't support it. BTW, Sarah Palin claims to be quite religious. See her performance at her church here.  She believes in…

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Why Must Biblical Literalism Trump Science?

For three decades I've puzzled about the idea held by Christian Fundamentalists that the Bible must be proven absolutely and literally true in every way, or else Christianity is false. The latter clause being accepted as silly, therefore most science of the 19th and 20th century is patently on the…

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America: #1 in Bibles. #37 in Infant Mortality

This Chris Kelly headline says it all: America: #1 in Bibles. #37 in Infant Mortality. Here's an excerpt from Kelly's Huffpo article: Europeans are feeling pretty smug lately, with their sturdy currency, "health care," and rising rates of life expectancy, but there's one area where we kick their ass: American…

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