Germany’s renewable energy revolution

While we in the U.S. are barely moving forward on renewables, Germany is streaking into the future. Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute explains:

While the examples of Japan, China, and India show the promise of rapidly emerging energy economies built on efficiency and renewables, Germany—the world’s number four economy and Europe’s number one—has lately provided an impressive model of what a well-organized industrial society can achieve. To be sure, it’s not yet the world champion among countries with limited hydroelectricity: Denmark passed 40% renewable electricity in 2011 en route to a target of 100% by 2050, and Portugal, albeit with more hydropower, raised its renewable electricity fraction from 17% to 45% just during 2005–10 (while the U.S., though backed by a legacy of big hydro, crawled from 9% to 10%), reaching 70% in the rainy and windy first quarter of 2013. But these economies are not industrial giants like Germany, which remains the best disproof of claims that highly industrialized countries, let alone cold and cloudy ones, can do little with renewables.
Here's an example of how poorly some of us in the U.S. are postured for divesting ourselves of carbon. This is an example from my home state of Missouri, where the utilities and the coal industry apparently owns the place.

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Not the will of the people

Tonight I received this mass-distributed email from Josh Silver of

The US Senate just rejected a basic background check law for gun sales despite the fact that 90% of Americans support it. Even 74% of NRA members support it!1 Represent.Us has no official position on gun rights/gun control, but you're damn right we have a position on whether America's Congress follows the will of the American people. And they don't. Our leaders are FAILING US, and by letting it happen, by letting them continue to steal our country, we're failing America. It's time to WAKE UP. Stop writing emails to Congress. Stop yelling at your computer screen. Stop feeling hopeless. Instead, face this simple fact: The insanity in Washington won't end until we cut the corruption and cut the cord between Congress and the Fat Cat lobbyists who run our country. Let's commit ourselves to this fight. Let's commit to creating a government of, by, and for us, the American people. The Represent.Us plan will work — if we all go the extra mile to make it work. Tonight I'm asking you to do one simple thing: Forward this email to ten people who have not joined the fight to get money out. Tell them we must all work together on this issue, or no other issue can prevail. Tell them to become a "Citizen Co-sponsor" of the American Anti-Corruption Act by visiting this link.

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