Rock plus non-rock: experimenting with blending modes in Photoshop Elements

I've been experimenting with layer blending modes in Photoshop Elements. These images blend various photos I had previously taken with images of marble and granite I recently photographed with the permission of a local merchant (Graniterra). Many of these experiments don't work out, but some of them have been surprising and interesting to me. Merchant's bridge butterfly - marble GCAA marble leaves-001 Finally, here is a flower blended into a layer of a separate color: flower and gradient

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The lesson of the sentence Bradley Manning is about to receive

Michael Moore sets the stage. Here's the beginning of his long list:

Manning now faces a potential maximum sentence of 136 years in jail. When his sentence is announced tomorrow, we'll all get a good idea of how seriously the U.S. military takes different crimes. When you hear about how long Manning – now 25 years old – will be in prison, compare it to sentences received by other soldiers: Col. Thomas M. Pappas, the senior military intelligence officer at Abu Ghraib and the senior officer present the night of the murder of Iraqi prisoner Manadel al-Jamadi, received no jail time. But he was reprimanded and fined $8,000. (Pappas was heard to say about al-Jamadi, "I'm not going down for this alone.") Sgt. Sabrina Harman, the woman famously seen giving a thumbs-up next to al-Jamadi's body and in another photo smiling next to naked, hooded Iraqis stacked on each other in Abu Ghraib, was sentenced to six months for maltreating detainees...

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