Sign of the times regarding government surveillance

Back in June, ProPublica published an article advising methods for communicating over the Internet while maintaining privacy. Edward Snowden's revelations have now caused ProPublica to issue a big red flag on its article. Encryption might no longer be effective. How did we get to this point where it is obviously illegal for the government to break into my house and rummage through my drawers without probable cause, but they rummage through my data with the help of and coercion of corporate communications companies? They do it because they CAN do it. These revelations also point out that in the political world explanations are streams of sounds (or scribbles) that would lack any punch except that they are created by entities that can threaten violence. In the case of the NSA, it is the violence of the police state. It is a violence so pronounced that it has ruined the possibility of investigative journalism which, until recent times, was the People's best chance to keep their government in check.

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What is Quantitative Easing?

The more I hear about "quantitative easing," the more it is clear that it amounts to fucking with our nation's currency in a dangerous way. It's making me queasy, and like many things, there's very little straight talk in the mainstream media. I've recently run across a few things that amount to some straight talk. Here's one, and here's the other:

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Robert Sapolsky discusses the alleged uniqueness of humans

Excellent lecture by Robert Sapolsky. Scientists used to think that humans were unique in many ways when compared to other animals. The number of ways in which we are truly unique is dwindling, however, and that dwindling number is the focus of Sapolsky's talk. There is at least one way in which we are unique, and that is our ability to entertain a contradiction. Sapolsky, speaking to a graduating class, challenges them to take on this contradiction: They are highly educated and thus privileged human animals who are educated to such an extent that they realize that it is virtually impossible for one person to make a difference in the world. The more clear this becomes that it is impossible to make the world better, "the more you must."

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