Burning the spirits free

I burned my old journals tonight.  More than 1,000 pages hand-written pages going back to 1980.  I’m am tempted to say that as the flames consumed the torn off chunks of pages in my fireplace, spirits were released from the papers—sadness, passion, confusion, existential angst, so many emotional moments "captured" in ink, until tonight.   Except that it would not make sense, even if one were to speak of “spirits” in a metaphorical sense.   You see, I painstakingly scanned all of the pages first, and then I backed it all up on an external drive.  I’m trying to get rid of paper, converting almost every scrap of paper I own into a pdf.   Therefore, there's no need for any "spirits" to be released from the pages, although looking at the haunting flames made me occasionally wonder.  Then again, if I were a spirit trapped in a piece of paper, I probably wouldn't understand anything about computers or scans, so I might nonetheless assume a haunting flame shape as my piece of paper burned. IMG_7252 Journal Fire IMG_7222 Journal Fire IMG_7231 Journal Fire IMG_7232 Journal Fire

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U.S. policy: lots of unplanned pregnancies

Based on these statistics from Guttmacher Institute, the official policy of the U.S. is that we welcome lots of unplanned pregnancies. Poor women have a sharply elevated rate of unplanned pregnancies. Instead of encouraging walk-in street clinics with free birth control, many of our politicians vilify the idea that anyone would have sex without intending to get pregnant. The result is exactly what we see in these statistics. pregnancy chart

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